Stock Positions We Are Monitoring.     
Tiger Software:                                                  1/24/2008  
         (C) 2008 William Schmidt, Ph.D.        

Editor's Note: 
                      Shorted stocks rallied mostly today because of Fed action.  I would wait until
                they close above 50-day ma before covering.  Watch the Bullish stocks for
                FIDSTKS (all Fidelity's biggest holdings) to see when they start turning up.
                Watch the highest Accumulation (AI/200) stocks for the same thing.

                Tax rebates and Fed Discount rate cuts will weaken US dollar.   That should
                 make gold and silver go up. 

 Buy Gold     Rangold Resources AI/200=153     IP21>.25 ITRS=.30
Buy GLD 
               Buy DBA    - Power Shares DB Agriculture 34.25 
               Buy SSRI    - Red Buy
               Buy KTEC
               Buy SID

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Short Positions:  TISI = 21-day ma of Accum. Index.
                                  IP21=current value of Accum. Index.   
In general, we will cover  short sales if they close above 50-day ma. with IP21>0.
                   If they jump too fast, hold them short.  They will combe back to the 50-day ma.
                   Cover them there.  Know that some of these may be short sales again when
                   their short covering rallies are over.    

 Short sales  (IP21=current Accum. Index)

         ABFS   23.52 -.62     AI/200=12 IP21<0... Cover at 22.4
         AMWD   18.12 -1.04        AI/200=40   IP21=-.15  
        BONT   6.74 -.23   IP21 is very low.    AI/200=12
        XING   6.91  +.13      AI/200=19

        PFCB   28.05 -.36   If still short cover at 25.21     shorted at 22.    AI/200=18   IP21>0. Red Buy,

       ISLE    11.16 +.22    shorted at 12.77

      DSW 18.50 +.96         AI/200=38  
===> Cover  ETM 11.90 +.60    AI/200=41  Entrecom Communications.
                          The tight trading range at bottom is bullish

      CHS   8.94 +.13          AI/200=22
  Bernard Chaus

      =====> Cover WMG  7.06 +.81     AI/200=24   Red Buy.

     MAS  21.83 +.05    IP21<0.     AI/200=19
====> Cover WM   16.95 +.87       AI/200=63 IP21>0.
=====>Cover   VFGI 15.18 -.68       AI/200=5

     Long Positions: (These are arranged so that the most recent are shown first.)
  Long Posiitons.

KEQU  17.63 +.63 AI/200=200)          

Bond Fund  AGG 102.84 -.21

  MCD  54 +1.01    AI/200=119  broke below 50-day ma... Normally held for 21 months.
                                     Was Tahiti Stock for Quarters 1 and 2, 2007. 
Hold 21 months.

  XOM   86.00 +2.55    AI/200=166...  Highest AI/200 Stock.
  Hold 21 months.
Another head and shoulders top. 
                                 Tahiti Stock at end of 3rd and 4th quarters.