Bearish Daily Breadth Divergences
  Daily Declines/Daily Advances >1.60
  DJI up for day

    9/15/2014 (C) 2014  William Schmidt, Ph.D.

    A sell signal based on these characteristics between 1929 and 1957
    would have produced  22 successes (declines to at least the
    lower band and 18 losses (significant addtional gains).

    Between 1958 and 2014 such a signal would have yielded
    a 55.8% success rate.  There were 29 successes and 23 failures.
    Septembers only succeeded in 1 of 5 cases.

    Such a signal is most reliable from April to July.  In this period,
    it succeeded in 16 of 21 cases, or 76.2% of the time.  See Table 2.

    January     1 good  2 bad
    February    2 good  2 bad
    March       2 good  2 bad
    April       4 good  2 bad
    May         1 good  0 bad
    June        4 good  2 bad
    July        7 good  1 bad
    August      0 good  1 bad
    September   1 good  3 bad
    October     3 good  2 bad  ok
    November    1 good  5 bad  ok
    December    3 good  1 bad
                29      23
  If we search closely for cases where the key
  values were similar to the present in term of
  the DJI being only slightly above the 65-dma
  we get the following cases.  There were 3 
  successes (additonal sell-offs) and 3 failures
 (rallies) See Table 1.

    Table 1   Cases where DJI was 0% to 2.5%
              above its level 65 trading days
              earlier.  (Shown in Blue).
              the 65-dma from 0% to 2.5%.    
Table 1   Cases Where DJI is 0% to 2% above Its Level
          65-trading days ago: 1957-2014
           LA/MA ANN  P-I   P-I   Adj.  IP21  V-I  OPct  65-day     Outcome
                 ROC        ch.   P-I                    Pct Change  
9/15/2014  1.00  .222     6   -102   6  .080  -26  .108  .017         open

11/10/1993 1.006 .188  -154  -20  -263  .067  -17  .046  .022         bad

6/7/1996   1.005 .469    75  -58    97  .079   9   .364  .011         good

4/6/2004   1.028  .048    6  -18     6 -.011 -137 -.065  .015         good

3/7/2006    .999  .203   64  -41    59  .057 -115  .067  .016         bad
12/13/2007 1.020  .190  -78  -152  -70 -.014 -152  .233  .017         good

9/21/2010  1.039  .631  362   -18  352  .101   42  .475  .029         bad

         Table 2   All Cases: 1957-2014
           LA/MA ANN  P-I   P-I   Adj.  IP21  V-I  OPct  65-day     Outcome
                 ROC        ch.   P-I                    Pct Change  
9/15/2014  1.00   .222    6   -102   6  .080  -26  .108  .017  


4/28/1961  .992 .04   -35   -22   -71   .000 -406  .275   .064 bad
7/10/1961 1.034 .327  -451  -103 -1252 -.103 -1390 -.135 -.164 bad
4/17/1970  .99  .121  -178  -27  -377  -.01  -2   .803  -.015  good
11/16/1970 .996-.05   -118    8  -249 -.249  -2   .242   .069  good
6/2/1971   .995 0.165 -195   -1  -414  .015  -2  -.158  .042 good
7/19/1971 1.009 -.132  -38   -14  -80  -.041 -2  -.034 -.045  good
7/26/1971  .998  .155    3   -14    7   .048 -1   .085 -.056  good (improvement)
7/27/1973 1.040  .69   177   -24  343   .169  1   .558  .006  good
10/16/1973 1.017 .935  223   -36  430   .239  2   .499  .077  good
6/19/1974   .999 .197  -71    -8 -126  -.018 -2   .147 -.056  good
10/13/1978 1.026 .137 -103    22 -213  -.051 -4   .021  .087 good
12/2/1980  1.006 .698   -1    13   -1   .04   4   .354  .047 good
7/29/1982   .991   0   -80   -16  -155  .019 -5  -.088 -.053  good
2/25/1985   .995 .066   63   -39   125 -.007  2  -.227  .068  bad	
6/10/1985  1.014 .533  165   -45   327  .119 10   .482  .036  bad
9/24/1985  1.001 .025 -152   -26  -300  .013 -13  -.067 -.003  Bad.
11/25/1986 1.029 .845  228   -12   452  .183  14   .340  .105  Bad
1/16/1987  1.057 .854  178   -35   351  .164  15   .365  .153  Bad
4/1/1987   1.007 .464  -31   -25   -60  .181   5   .281  .211  good
10/7/1987   .99  .028  -29    38   -57 -.026  -1   .177  .041  excellent.
12/13/1989 1.021 .434  -34    28   -58  .122   2   .357  .034  bad
6/4/1993   1.014 .327    2   -38     4  .134   3   .227  .041  bad
11/10/1993 1.006 .188  -154  -20  -263  .067  -17  .046  .022  bad
10/3/1994   .992-.167  -211   -2  -333  .026  -33 -.092  .061  bad
3/5/1995   1.007 .381    98  -51   135  .101   0   .343  .069  bad
6/7/1996   1.005 .469    75  -58    97  .079   9   .364  .011  good
9/23/1996  1.025 .334    30  -59    38  .133   8   .169  .041  bad
3/17/1997   .998 -.114  -67  -81   -82  .028  -30  .02   .086  good
7/27/1998   .991  .121 -129  -46  -197 -.018  -52  .014 -.013  good
11/22/1999 1.037  .691  -26  103   -26 -.007   23  .095 -.001 bad
8/4/2003   1.002  .151 -217  -13  -210 -.016 -145 -.069  .086 bad
1/19/2004   .998  .068  237 -124   222  .05    -6 -.031  .096 good
4/6/2004   1.028  .048    6  -18     6 -.011 -137 -.065  .015 good
4/23/2004  1.006  .487   -3   -4    -3  .129   17  .270 -.015 good
11/8/2005  1.037  .400  299  -36   279  .066   3   .136  .058  bad
12/16/2005 1.015  .246  259  -11   242  .091  -3   .324  .046 good
2/18/2005  1.015  .352  287   13   388  .043  -3   .066  .028 good
11/14/2005 1.024  .468  105  -96   142  .072  22   .231  .009 bad
3/7/2006    .999  .203   64  -41    59  .057 -115  .067  .016 bad
12/13/2007 1.020  .190  -78  -152  -70 -.014 -152  .233  .017 good
9/26/2008   .994 -.381 -361  -132 -325  .014 -160  .130 -.057 good
6/8/2009   1.032  .498  260    6   242  .074  -98  .155  .329 good
10/27/2009 1.003  .112  -47  -131  -44  .000 -180 -.107  .084 bad
7/12/2010  1.007  .051   63  -151   61  .022 -125 -.035 -.066 good
9/21/2010  1.039  .631  362   -18  352  .101   42  .475  .029 bad
1/4/2011   1.016  .320  203   -75  202 -.017   92  .148  .079 bad
2/9/2011   1.025  .602  257   -40  257  .167  -14  .489  .069 good
4/11/2011  1.017  .33   173  -102  173  .016  -50  .122  .058 bad
5/3/2011   1.027  .412  113   -99  113  .152  -47  .352  .083 good
2/14/2012  1.011  .427  503     4  503  .175   43  .144  .093  bad
3/14/2012  1.019  .295  129  -148  129  .069  -24  .245  .099 good
7/2/2014   1.007  .179  398    -2  398  .156   24  .496  .031 good

      For i = 22 To rn
       If la(i) / ma(i) < .99 Then 56
       If dec(i) / adv(i) < 1.6 Then 56
       If la(i) > la(i - 1) Then pi = i: stsells16arrows (pi)
56    Next i